About Instructor Neuroscientist Dr. Kelly Kent
Kelly Kent is a neuroscientist that connects her passion for the brain with all of her work, including as a school board member, corporate creativity consultant, business-owner, speaker, and her hardest job of them all, parent.
Since she completed her PhD in the molecular mechanisms of stroke recovery in 2011, Kelly has been taking her experience and expertise garnered at higher educational institutions and applying them to the real world around her. While on the one hand, Kelly was pursuing her post-graduate work in autism at the University of Southern California, she was also simultaneously teaching and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Kelly taught psychology undergraduate students at Moorpark College in Simi Valley and currently teaches neurobiology to psychotherapy graduate students at Antioch University in Culver City.
The application of neuroscience to everyday life became her primary focus when Kelly co-founded adaptEd Consultants. Through adaptED, Kelly has grown a company that uses neuroscience to provide tools to drive individual and organizational growth. This is accomplished by aligning corporate work cultures with how the brain functions optimally, training leaders to manage with the brain in mind and helping organizations determine their own "brain-based" best practices.
Realizing the important role that coaches play in the organizational development and professional development world, Kelly approached Master Certified Coach, Hayden Lee to propose a neuroscience of coaching training program. With recognition of the value each respective field plays in enhancing human and organizational potential, Master Mind Institute was born.